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President’s Piece Welcome to our May newsletter! And welcome back to our editor Kate who took some time off whilst recuperating from her knee surgery.  Also, I would like to thank my dear husband Michael who took the reins as … Continued

July Jobfile

posted in: Jobfile, July | 0

July Jobfile from the June 2001 Newsletter Turn your compost so it’s ready for spring plantings. Keep picking snowpeas, garden peas and the last of the beans to keep them coming. Choose a still day one week to spray azaleas … Continued

June Jobfile

posted in: Jobfile, June | 0

June Jobfile from the May 2001 Newsletter Revel in the cooler weather. Keep flower and vegetable seedlings weeded and fed with a weekly application of soluble fertiliser. Make sure your azaleas are well mulched with enriched compost. Pick the first … Continued