July Jobfile from the June 2001 Newsletter
- Turn your compost so it’s ready for spring plantings.
- Keep picking snowpeas, garden peas and the last of the beans to keep them coming.
- Choose a still day one week to spray azaleas with Confidor. The next week give them a boost with a pinch of sulphate of potash.
- Prune roses and deciduous fruit trees.
- Top dress asparagus beds with rotted animal manure, compost and a complete fertilizer.
- Cut back woody herbs such as lavender, oregano, marjoram and thyme.
- Mulch rhubarb with chook poo, blood and bone and compost.
- Pot up rooted stems of crucifix orchid for the November swap table, remembering to label each with its colour.
- Cut back cornflowers which are on the brink of flowering to promote bushiness and induce many more blooms.
- Feeling too mean to buy annual flower seedlings? Why not compromise and invest in
- punnets of dianthus, salvia and verbena which behave as perennials in our climate.